Data Science, UNICEF’s data diagnostics report, UNICEF
A review of the national data sources/systems, their demand, use and relevance to UNICEF – Uganda. The key delivery was the action plan for investing in data. This followed due to the success of work done in Zimbabwe.
Data Management, Action Coalition on Development and Environment,
Joining up several primary education datasets to form a panel of school data for Uganda’s 4 years. Panel data analytics.
Development of a Community data portal, OCASI - Logical Outcomes,
The work involved sourcing Ontario’s key socioeconomic data (focus on Immigrants) and creating interactive dashboards for the web portal so that OCASI member organizations can easily find data on their monitoring indicators.
The Development Data Assessments (DDA), Hewlett Foundation and Asian Foundation for Nepal
A review of the national data assets, their quality and use, through mapping them to SDGs and NDP indicators. This also involved building a fully relational database with an interactive web layer to support easy usage.
Aid transparency data ecosystem, IATI
An assessment of the use of aid data, its sources and how to increase its use in public policy debates in Uganda.
Spotlight on Kenya, Gates Foundation
A visualised and disaggregated data collection of key social and demographic statistics, health, financial, the data revolution and poverty statistics, among other key development indicators. A web app accessible by everyone with the internet and downloadable for use offline.