Survey Data Analysis, USAID-CRS Nuyok project

We supported the Nuyok MEAL team with the analysis and interpretation of data collected from participant-based annual surveys. The task involved data treatment, cleaning, processing, analyzing (descriptive, cross-tabulation, correlation, bivariate, multivariate and regression analysis while applying survey weights), and conducting various statistical tests such as confidence intervals, tests of significance, p-value tests, and standard deviations.

Metadata and Taxonomy, UBOS – NSI

We developed the National Statistical Indicators (NSI) framework to include/update program, national, regional, and global framework indicators.

Economics, EACOP

We supported the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) with the market-related dynamics analysis of the national waste management review of waste generators, waste handlers, waste management facilities, enablers and other waste related elements; and cost estimates for waste handling projected EACOP waste.

Data Management, Action Coalition on Development and Environment

Joining up several primary education datasets to form a panel of school data for Uganda’s 4 years. Panel data analytics.

Statistics, UNFPA

BL4G project aimed at preventing teenage pregnancies and child marriages among adolescent girls in Uganda.

Trainings, USAID – Uganda Voucher Project Team training in data visualisation

We were contracted by Abt Associates to train partners on Uganda Voucher Project in data visualisation using Tableau